Saturday, December 22, 2012

iOS in the Kimberley

We have received confirmation that we are touring our 3 day introductory course in the Kimberley and Geraldton.
Stay tuned for more details... Oh and we have just picked up another school for next year. There is a distance issue so we are going to really think about how we do delivery on this one.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sharing the information

Presentation - Professor Bert Veenendaal

We had a little informal presentation with the head of Spatial Sciences today at Southern River. This was quite exciting to have the full academic team in the one room with the high schoolers and mentors. Professor Bert Veenendaal (CURTIN - Spatial Sciences) has been an avid supporter of the iOS program providing support and guidance to Dr David McMeekin and I when it was needed, particularly with dealing with the internal processes in a university. I was fitting that he arrived to meet our entire development team today. The 13 year olds, the university mentors and the high school staff.
images: Bert, Oliver and Mike Erith, Bert and Shaun, Bert and Josh, Bert and Ratuja, the entire gang

Mentor Progress

Tristan and Matt have been in dev mode to implement the most involved features in the app. These are the timetable and the events calendar. I'm extremely happy with the way they have come up with creative solutions to deal with the schools resourcing. Matt has improved and reused existing code he has developed and Tristan has come up with clever integration of the school's google app calendar to push out to our iOS app.

images: newsletter, canteen menu, map and timetable.

Main Graphic Navigation

We looked at graphic navigation and did a short tutorial on this. The 13 year olds want to change the navigation from a table view to a more visual, iconic interface.
This proved an excellent time to test their understanding of the architecture and how well the students could follow adding sub-navigation, or adding different view controllers and connecting the associated icons to the main view.
Today I flew solo as the mentors are in full development atm to finish the app for the school. Can't wait to see what they come up with! The art teacher will be helping out a little more now as we have more icons in place. I just hope the mentors are going to be OK with our about turn in the design of the app. Hehe...

Monday, December 3, 2012

The About\Newsletter

Another awesome tutorial from the mentors this week implementing the River newsletter within and the about feature. Will update with pictures as soon as I get them for you. Thanks

The School Map - 21st November

Well today it was onto mapping. Tristan and Matt have designed a straightforward nifty tutorial to map the classrooms at Southern River. We were told this was all changing next year however, it doesn't matter because those thirteen year olds really know their way around the xcode environment now. Our class took 40 minutes and the feature was implemented by the 13 year olds.